School Counseling

Ms. Stept

Professional School Counselor


What is a Comprehensive School Counseling Program?

A Comprehensive School Counseling program is an integral component of the school’s academic mission.  Effective school counseling programs are a collaborative effort between the school counselor, families and other educators to create an environment that promotes student achievement.  The program is driven by data.  School Counselors focus their skills, time, and energy on providing direct and indirect services to students.

The School Counselor is able to support your child with:

Academic Development

Students will acquire the academic preparation essential to choose from a variety of educational, training, and employment options upon completion of secondary school.

Career Development

Students will investigate the world of work in order to make informed career decisions.

Personal/Social Development

Students will acquire an understanding of, and respect for, self and others, and the skills to be responsible citizens.

Classroom Guidance

The School Counselor visits classrooms to present lessons on Asbury’s character trait of the month, as well as real life topics such as Bullying, Reality vs Non-reality Violence on Television, Good Touch/Bad Touch/Secret Touch, and Accepting Others. While we are virtually attending school guidance lessons also will be delivered virtually. I will be teaching with the other Resource teachers during the student's resource time. You can link to the guidance lessons through your child's google classroom.

Small Group Counseling

Needs Assessments are distributed to each grade level during the 1st nine weeks to determine the need for making small group counseling referrals.  Students may also be referred by parent(s)/guardians.  Groups are formed based upon the needs assessments and tend to consist of approximately 5 students.  Parental consent is required for a student to participate in small group counseling.  The School Counselor will usually conduct 2 sessions without consent.  After 2 sessions, the counselor will attempt to make contact with the parent(s)/guardian to determine if the parent would like for the child to continue receiving services.  School counselors do not provide long term counseling.

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